Córdoba’s Ararat Armenian Dance Group presented Armenian culture to foreigners through dances

On November 12, Ararat Armenian Dance Group of the Argentina Chapter of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (led by artistic director Veronica Karadakhian) gave its year-end concert at Cultural City Hall in Córdoba. The concert featured performances by the dance group’s adults’ and children’s groups and musical performances by dudukist and Honorary Member of AGBU Argentina Gagik Gasparyan. Among the attendees were Vice-Chairman of AGBU Buenos Aires Antonio Sarafian; Pastor of the. St. George Armenian Church of Córdoba, Priest Harutioun Sepanian; former AGBU chairmen, as well as representatives of the Armenian community and the municipal authorities and guests.

According to Hayern Aysor, every year, representatives of the national minorities in Argentina sum up their activities by presenting the cultural values of their respective countries through similar events. The Armenian community of Córdoba also presented Armenian culture through dances that Ararat Armenian Dance Group had rehearsed with a high sense of responsibility for nearly a year.

Let us add that foreigners made up the prevailing majority of the 500 people attending the year-end concert. The concert also featured a showing of Spanish-language videos devoted to Armenia, the Biblical Mount Ararat and the Armenian Genocide that had a big impact on and touched the hearts of the foreigners in the audience. After the concert, they approached the organizers and told them that they had to be proud to be Armenian and to have such a cultural heritage.

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