Armenian potter’s works have become symbol of Jerusalem-Tablet

In light of the 100th anniversary of Armenian production of ceramic items, a ceramics school has opened in Jerusalem and has become an integral part of the city’s culture.

“The 100-year Armenian production of ceramic items is gathering people of all faiths of the Holy City. The commemorative gifts made by the craftsmen of the Armenian community of Jerusalem are very popular among the representatives of all religions. Their works also decorate several well-known structures in the city on which there are signs in Hebrew, Arabic and English,” writes The Tablet newspaper.

The newspaper states that the most well-known potter in Jerusalem is 50-year-old Hagop Karakashian. Karakashian learned the craft from his grandfather, who was saved from the Armenian Genocide.

“We hope peace is established in the city and we are able to work in peaceful conditions. Currently, I am teaching my 15-year-old granddaughter, who will go on to preserve the family traditions and transmit them to the next generations. Our products have become the symbol of Jerusalem, for which we are more than happy,” Hagop Karakashian said, according to

There are about 25,000 Armenians living in Jerusalem, and most of them are followers of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

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