Hrach Vartanian: “Today is a historic day for me, the happiest day of my life because I will become a full-fledged citizen of Armenia”

The doors of the RA Ministry of Diaspora are always open for our compatriots visiting Armenia from different corners of the globe. For them, the Ministry of Diaspora is a home within a home, and the people in that home always receive them with warmth. These days, the Ministry of Diaspora hosted Qatar-based engineer Hrach Vartanian, who gave an interview to Hayern Aysor.
Karine Avagyan: Mr. Vartanian, welcome to the Homeland! I know you are Lebanese-Armenian. How did you find yourself in Qatar?
Hrach Vartanian: I was born in Lebanon. My father is from the city of Yozgat in Western Armenia, and my mother is from Kutina (birthplace of Komitas). I lived in Lebanon. For the past 12-13 years, I have been living in Qatar. I am an electric engineer and work by my profession in Qatar. The essence of my profession is the study of the functions of electric systems within buildings, companies, airports, hospitals, military stations and other facilities. Our employees check to see whether the electric system is running according to plan and provide the data.
Karine Avagyan: What did you gain in Qatar?
Hrach Vartanian: I left for Qatar to earn a good living. Qatar is a country where you can work and make a lot of money. There is nothing more important there. Armenians stand out with their diligence wherever they go, and the Armenians of Qatar also work hard. During state holidays and on April 24th, I gather with my compatriots and interact with them.
Karine Avagyan: Where did you receive your higher education? Have you always worked by your profession?
Hrach Vartanian: I received my higher education in London. I worked for BBC Radio and DECA, which makes radars for planes and airports. Later, I moved to Lebanon where I established Radio Melody. I sold it because I had other goals. I wanted to come to Armenia, become a citizen of Armenia and eventually settle in the Homeland.
Karine Avagyan: Mr. Vartanian, can I congratulate you now?
Hrach Vartanian: Yes! Today I will take an oath to acquire Armenian citizenship. Today is a historic day for me. It is the happiest day in my life because I am going to become a full-fledged citizen of Armenia and have a passport. My wife and daughter are already citizens of the Republic of Armenia. When I settle in Armenia, I will give a lot to my Homeland.
Karine Avagyan: Is this your first visit to Armenia?
Hrach Vartanian: No! I was here one-and-a-half years ago to participate in the pan-Armenian conference organized by the RA Ministries of Diaspora and Urban Development, the Pan-Armenian Association of Architects and Engineers and the Union of Architects of the Republic of Armenia. I will revisit in September to participate in the conference to be held in Artsakh.
Karine Avagyan: Mr. Vartanian, I congratulate you on obtaining the passport of a citizen of the Republic of Armenia. I hope you visit Armenia more often from now on.
Hrach Vartanian: I will be making many visits from now on because I must eventually settle in the Homeland! I am very happy to see the achievements that Armenia has made over the past years. I see that my Homeland is very beautiful, and the girls, women, boys and men are very nice and educated. My only wish is to see more tourists in Armenia. It is important for tourism to grow in Armenia because Armenia is as splendid and uniquely beautiful as a diamond. Foreigners need to see Armenia, get to know the country and tell the people of their respective countries that there is such a paradise in the world.
As I bade Hrach Vardanyan farewell, I became convinced once again that if there is this type of Armenian in the world, Armenia will become stronger thanks to the collective efforts of such patriots.
Karine Avagyan