Ophelia Satoorian: “For me the best trip is the trip to Armenia”

Hayern Aysor’s correspondent sat down for an interview with Director of Davidian & Mariamian Educational Foundation of Glendale (USA) Ophelia Satoorian.
Mrs. Satoorian says only in Armenia can she fully relax and forget about her worries. This year’s trip was a trip that the Satoorians will remember for a long time…
Hayern Aysor: Mrs. Satoorian, I have noticed that you always visit Armenia in the summer.
Ophelia Satoorian: Yes, you are right. My family and I organize our summer vacations in Armenia. I have had many opportunities to travel to beautiful countries, but I have rejected and have decided to spend my vacation in the Homeland.
For me the best trip is the trip to Armenia. I don’t feel as much joy and pleasure when I travel to another country as much as I do in Armenia. I don’t only come for traveling. I feel at home in Armenia, surrounded by my relatives. The land gives me strength, and every stone, bush, the nature and even the sweet fruits and vegetables and the smiles on my people’s faces give me energy.
When I return to the USA, I immediately start missing my Homeland and feel nostalgic.
This year’s trip was even more productive. My younger son, Christopher participated in the “Ari Tun” Program organized by the RA Ministry of Diaspora. I took great pride in seeing my son finally participate in this program. It was a great achievement for our family, and we were all excited.
I must say that Christopher was very content with the program. As a parent, I have seen him change for the better.
Hayern Aysor: What do you think young Diaspora Armenians get out of the “Ari Tun” Program?
O. S.: First, I must say that my husband, Vahik Satoorian and I take advantage of every opportunity to let the Armenians of Glendale about the “Ari Tun” Program through the Davidian & Mariamian Educational Foundation and urge the students’ parents to send their children to Armenia to participate in this important program.
I am very content with the “Ari Tun” Program. The RA Ministry of Diaspora is truly doing a tremendous job by helping link Armenia to the Diaspora. My dear Hranush Hakobyan’s endless efforts and unconditional dedication to the Diaspora are unforgettable. She deserves appraisal. For me, Mrs. Hakobyan is truly a highly respected person, and I highly appreciate her efforts and human qualities.
Getting back to your question, I must say that the “Ari Tun” Program provides young Diaspora Armenians with an unprecedented opportunity to see the homeland and become more familiar with Armenia.
Words can’t describe how much I admired the camping event at the “Ari Tun” Camp in Tsaghkadzor where I attended the “Farewell Bonfire” event. I was constantly getting emotional as I saw how the children were engaged in cordial conversations and were sincerely communicating with each other. I was so excited that I danced with them. It was as if I had become young again with them.
I must say that the “Ari Tun” Program is the major patriotic program aimed at preserving the Armenian identity and solving the issues of national concern.
Hayern Aysor: Mrs. Satoorian, you participated in the Course for Leaders of Armenian Communities of the Diaspora, which was part of the “Diaspora” Summer School Program. What are your impressions?
O. S.: The lessons were effective. We were introduced to the programs carried out by the RA Ministry of Diaspora, as well as the ministry’s strategy on and approaches to cooperation with the Armenian Diaspora in detail.
The employees of the RA Ministry of Diaspora organized a broad discussion on issues related to communities for the community leaders, and indeed, this was an urgent issue.
We were also provided with the opportunity to present the problems facing our respective community structures and organizations and the steps being taken to preserve the Armenian identity. We also discussed future programs for cooperation.
I was so happy to meet colleagues from different countries. As we talked about various issues related to preservation of the Armenian identity, we all realized that there is one thing that is difficult for all of us and is a pain that we all share, and that is to be of help to Armenia. On behalf of us Diaspora Armenians, I can surely say that we do our best to extend a helping hand to the Homeland.
I just remembered the words of General Andranik (Zoravar Andranik), who said the following: “When you lay your head on the pillow at night, for a moment, think about what you have done for your nation.”
These priceless words need to serve as a guideline for all Armenians.
Hayern Aysor: Your family’s visit to Armenia was also important due to the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the RA Ministry of Diaspora and the Davidian & Mariamian Educational Foundation. Could you please provide details about that?
O. S.: First, I must say that the Davidian & Mariamian Educational Foundation has established friendly relations with the Ministry of Diaspora and has been closely collaborating with the ministry since the first years of its establishment. We have always felt the generosity and heartfelt attitude of the RA Ministry of Diaspora.
Nevertheless, I am pleased with the fact that the signing of this memorandum will further strengthen the relations between the RA Ministry of Diaspora and the Davidian & Mariamian Educational Foundation and will help indicate new paths for cooperation. Unquestionably, we will continue to be consistent with the development of the Armenia-Diaspora partnership, the implementation of cultural, educational, disciplinary programs and advocacy campaigns and will continue to carry out pro-national activities aimed at preserving the Armenian language in the Diaspora and solving the issues related to preservation of the Armenian identity.
Interview by Gevorg Chichyan