“What Have You Done For Arstakh” concert to be held in New York

Hayern Aysor had reported that AGBU Argentina Chapter has joined the “What are YOU doing for Artsakh?” pan-Armenian movement launched by the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia.

Through this movement, on June 14, AGBU Argentina Chapter will host a concert in New York. According to Hayern Aysor, the concert will feature musical performances by violinist Sami Merdinian, pianist Hayk Arsenyan and opera singer Solange Merdinian. All proceeds will be used to purchase musical instruments for music schools in Artsakh.

The concerts, which are also aimed at making Artsakh recognizable for foreigners, have already been held in several cities across Argentina and are also scheduled to be held in Brazil and Chile. The program in South America will end with concerts in Armenia and Artsakh in September 2017.

Argentine-based Armenian musician, Honorary Member of AGBU Argentina Chapter Gagik Gasparyan has been designated as the artistic director for the concerts, while the general correspondent is Honorary Member of the AGBU Central Board, Vice-Chairman of AGBU Argentina Chapter Antonio Sarafian.

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