Conservatory of Nice hosts Armenian Music Week

This year, spring began with the rhythms of the warm and various kinds of Armenian melodies in the French city of Nice since the city’s conservatory has declared this week as Armenian Music Week.
As reported President of Alliance Pan-Armenian Union Marina Petrosyan to Hayern Aysor, charmed by the sounds of the traditional Armenian duduk, the conservatory’s students, teachers and all music lovers of Nice participated in several concerts, lectures and master classes held at the initiative of hobo teacher of the conservatory Charlotte Bouche and with the support of the conservatory’s director Tieghi Muller. The concerts featured performances of the works by Armenian composers.
Words can’t describe the excitement of the people at the conservatory. Armenian musical instruments and embroidered national dance costumes were showcased at the Armenian Corner in the vestibule.
The guests of honor and the practicing specialists were musicologist, pianist, conductor and former director of the Conservatory of Roman Alexander Siranosyan and duduk teacher of the Conservatory of Roman, well-known dudukist Levon Zatikyan, the tender voice of whose duduk and his professional advice will be remembered for a long time. Throughout the week, he accompanied all the performances with the traditional duduk. Inspired by the initiative, director of the conservatory’s orchestra Philip Dulat composed a new song, the premiere of which left a great impression on the audience.
The Master French National Orchestra (artistic director L. Zatikian), singer Nelly Yeghiazarian and Nairi Dance Group (artistic director Maggie Georgian) also gave their performances.
During the concert held as part of Armenian Music Week, more than 2,000 people were introduced to Armenian music, loved and appreciated the history and cultural wealth of the Armenian people and the historic and cultural monuments of the Armenian Highland, the images of which were shown throughout the concert.
The program would be incomplete, if it didn’t include the showing of Armenian culinary art. The people in the audience tasted traditional dishes that had been prepared by the women members of Alliance Pan-Armenian Union. Proceeds from pastry sales will go to the schools and hospitals in Artsakh.
Armenian Music Week ended on Sunday with the highly appreciable concert of Harmonia Brass Orchestra in the church located at the harbor in Nice. The artistic director of the orchestra is Francois Liklers).