Armenian government gives consent to 2017 “Ari Tun” Program
During its February 2 session, the Government of the Republic of Armenia passed the bill on giving consent to 2017 “Ari Tun” Program of the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia for homeland recognition of young Diaspora Armenians and the list of events. The Program and list of events were presented by Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan.
The goal of the program is to familiarize young Armenians of the Diaspora with Armenia the Homeland and its sites worth seeing; help young Diaspora Armenians become more familiar with the customs and traditions of an Armenian family and their peers through host families; contribute to the strengthening of national identity of young Diaspora Armenians and the reinforcement of their national awareness; support the unity of Armenia and the Diaspora in terms of morality, psychology, education and culture and promote the repatriation of young Diaspora Armenians.
In 2016, the “Ari Tun” Program was held in eight stages, gathering nearly 900 young Diaspora Armenians from 38 countries around the world. In each stage, the young Diaspora Armenians participated in training courses and interactive native studies courses hosted by skillful educators of the Republic of Armenia, Armenian dance lessons, cultural programs (visits to museums and historic and cultural sites in Armenia, several pan-Armenian programs), paid cognitive visits to state universities and military units of the Republic of Armenia, had meetings with well-known scholars, cultural and athletic figures and participated in farewell ceremonies during which they met with officials of the Republic of Armenia. The ongoing implementation of the “Ari Tun” Program is expected to help form a generation of proud Armenians who are aware of their roots.
In 2017, up to 1,000 young Diaspora Armenians are expected to visit Armenia through the “Ari Tun” Program. They will be hosted by Armenian families and will participate in the events at the “Ari Tun” Camp along with their peers.
A task force and an inter-agency steering committee will be set up to coordinate the implementation of the Program and properly organize the events. Representatives of partnering youth non-governmental organizations and young volunteers are expected to participate in organizing the Program.
The development and organizing of the “Ari Tun” summer camp event, training courses, cultural, educational and other events and the meetings with state officials and well-known figures of various sectors will serve as an additional impetus for raising the level of effectiveness of the Program.
The Program is funded at the expense of the 2017 State Budget of the Republic of Armenia.