“Armenian Schools”: Masis Armenian School of Almaty

Preserving the Armenian identity and awakening in young Armenians the love for Armenia and Armenians and preserving that love is a current issue for each and every Armenian living far away from Armenia, and the Armenian communities of Diaspora play a major issue in that regard.
On October 1, 2016, Masis Armenian Sunday School opened its doors in Almaty, Kazakhstan and has two groups of junior and senior students. It should be noted that Armenian had not been taught in Almaty for a long time. Now classes have begun and are held in a pavilion that is located in central Almaty and offers all the conditions for the classes.
The classes are held by Lusine Shahverdyan, who is a teacher of several languages and applies all her skills to make Armenian accessible and interesting for the students.
The school also has a plan to offer courses devoted to other subjects.