ROA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan Awarded a Number of Lebanese-Armenian Activists

On December 12 a photo exhibition opened at the ROA Embassy in Lebanon dedicated to the 25-th Anniversary of Armenia’s Independence. On this occasion, Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan, who was in Lebanon on an official visit, delivered prizes, medals and 2015 pan-Armenian awards to a number of Lebanese-Armenian activists.
Greeting the attendees, ROA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan congratulated everybody on the 25-th anniversary of the free and independent Armenia as well as the glorious 25-th anniversary of the declaration of the Nakorno Karabagh Republic.
“The greatest and tangible achievement of the last centennial is the existence of the Republics of Armenia and Karabagh”,– said Hranush Hakobyan, underlining the fact that from the 14 people who received the title of hero during the independence years of the Republic of Armenia, 3 were diasporan-Armenians -–Alek Manougian, Charle Aznavour and Kirk Kerkorian.
At the end of her speech, Minister Hakobyan highly praised the role and patriotic work of the Armenian community of Lebanon, noting that the Lebanese-Armenian community is one of the most vibrant, lively and patriotic communities. The Minister of Diaspora expressed her gratitude in the name of the Armenian nation for the contributions and support of the nation’s children to Armenia and the preservation of Armenian national identity.
Hranush Hakobyan awarded Lebanese-Armenian businessman Toros Siranosian with the Diaspora Ministry’s “William Saroyan” medal. “I have received many awards and medals throughout my life from country presidents, high ranking officials but this one is the biggest and most important one of my life. As much as I am proud for being a citizen of Lebanon, I am as proud and more of myArmenian nationality”,– said Toros Siranosian in his remarks of gratitude.
According to “Hayern Aysor”, the “Ambassador of the Moher Tongue” medal was bestowed upon: Areknaz Aghasarkisian, principal of the “Aksor Kassardjian” national school, Vatche Harmandayian, principal of the “Nubarian-Khrimian” national school, Maral Khederlarian, long time teacher at the Hamazkayin Djemaran and “Abkarian” national school, Zabel Keushgerian-Fermanian, teacher at the Armenian Catholic “Hripsimiants” high-school, Lucy Deukmejian, teacher and responsible of public relations at the “Saint Cross – Harboyian” Armenian Catholic school and editor of its “Trichk” periodical, Sossy Abuhanian, long time teacher at the “Shamlian Tatigian” school, Rozette Alemian, long-time educator and journalist and Baruyr Aghbashian, journalist and orator.
The ”Gratitude” medal was bestowed upon Maria Abounayan-Beugekian for her years of service at the “Mesrobian” High-school as a teacher and organizer of the educational system; on Hasmik Torosian, teacher at the Armenian Evangelical College; on Norayr Baghdasarian, teacher of Arabic language at the AGBU “Boghos K. Garmirian” school; “Levon and Sophia Hagopian National School”, the only secondary school established in Bourj Hammoud in 1964. ROA Ministry of Diaspora’s “Boghos Nubar” medal was bestowed upon Hagop Ladoyan, national and public activist and director of the AFHIL (Armenian Fund for Health Insurance in Lebanon) Fund. The Kalpakian family was recognized as the best family for its significant contribution to the efforts of preservation of Armenian national identity (circa 2015).
The Minister of Diaspora congratulated all the awardees and wished them all the best.