Book exhibition-sale dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the St. Nerses Shnorhali Library-Depository of the Holy Savior Armenian Monastery of New Julfa

From November 25 to December 3, the administrations and Parent Councils of the Kananian All-Girls School and the Katarinian All-Boys School of the Armenian National Educational Complex in New Julfa is holding another book exhibition-sale at the Complex’s central hall.

This year’s exhibition is dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the St. Nerses Shnorhali Library-Depository of the Holy Savior Armenian Monastery of New Julfa. The official opening ceremony was attended by guests and conducted by Catholicossal Vicar of the Armenian Diocese of Isfahan, Fr. Supreme Archimandrite Sipan Kechejian. The schools’ librarian Karin Ter-Martirosian greeted the attendees and called the librarian of the St. Nerses Shnorhali Library Vergineh Mirzakhanian, who briefly touched upon the history of the Library-Depository and the current programs and activities that are being carried out through modern methods, as well as the events dedicated to the 110th anniversary.

Afterwards, vice-superintendent of the Kananian All-Girls School Rima Simonian greeted the guests, introduced the community’s librarians and, on behalf of the staffs and administrations of the schools, certificates of appreciation and commemorative gifts were granted to head of the library of the Kananian and Katarinian Schools Karin Ter-Martirosian; head of the St. Nerses Shnorhali Library of the Holy Savior Monastery Vergineh Mirzakhanian; head of the library of the Armen Armenian Co-Ed Educational Copmlex Aida Alexandrian and head of the M. Nalbandian Library of Ararat Armenian Sport and Cultural Union of New Julfa Yeranush Tahmazian. The certificates and commemorative gifts were handed by Father Sipan Kechejian, as well as representatives of the two schools Rima Simonian and Ruben Khachik Grigorian.

After the opening ceremony, the attendees were invited to tour the exhibition and become familiar with the content of the exhibition that showcased Armenian, English and Persian-language books, stationery and children’s mind games. The St. Nerses Shnorhali Library was presented in a separate pavilion in the center of the hall, showcasing several books published in Iran and Armenia over the past few years.

The event featured a small reception held by the parent council and female students.

Events held on the sidelines of the exhibition

On the morning of 26 November, within the scope of the exhibition, spiritual superintendent of the Armenian community of the Iranian city of Shahinshahr, Fr. Supreme Archimandrite Anania Gutchanian delivered a lecture entitled “Lack of Reading in Society”, and on the morning of 30 November, the 7th grade students of the all-girls school participated in a knowledge competition.

It is also important to mention that the Parent Council worked hard to organize the exhibition, the sale and the other events and held a similar exhibition-sale and interesting events.

Yeranush Tahmazian

New Julfa, Iran

Photos by Yeranush Tahmazian and Arax Minasian

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