Armenian Architects around the World-Gohar Tutunjian

The HayernAysor electronic newspaper of the RA Ministry of Diaspora, in partnership with the Pan-Armenian Association of Architects and Engineers, is launching a new series entitled “Armenian Architects around the World”, which aims at presenting the activities of the Pan-Armenian Association, as well as the members of the Association Affiliationsaround the world and their activities.

The first interview of the series was conducted with co-president of the Pan-Armenian Association of Architects and Engineers Gohar Tutunjian.

Hayern Aysor: Mrs. Tutunjian, what was the purpose of establishing the Pan-Armenian Association of Architects and Engineers?

Gohar Tutunjian: The Armenian Diaspora plays a major role in helping the Republic of Armenia, which has been independent for 25 years, take more affirmative steps. In this sense, pan-Armenian professional structures and organizations can do a great job and help establish the existence of the state of Armenia in the world.

With this, we are also accomplishing the major mission to identify the potential of young Armenians and consolidate that potential around Armenia so that the young Armenians become connected to the land and the country.

This was also the purpose of the establishment of the Pan-Armenian Association of Architects and Engineers in 2009 with the words of encouragement and direct supportof the RA Ministry of Diaspora. The first president was NarekSargsyan, after which co-presidentsAshotGrigoryan and Vahe Tutunjian continued his work. Today, Mr. and Mrs. Vahe and Gohar Tutunjian are the co-presidents of the Association.

I can proudly say that we have learned from the experiences of the formertwo presidents. However, at the same time, we realized the visionin which the Association had to go. Our goal is to have an Association that will be active, operational and will consolidate Armenian architects based in different countries around the word. After a long search, we developed the five pillars (based on our personal experiences) that will serve as our benchmark in the future.

Hayern Aysor: What are those five pillars?

T.: The first is the professional database, which was created upon the proposal of RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan and has been enriched with data regarding Armenian architectural heritage. This is truly very important.

The second is the consolidation of the potential of professionals. The third is encouraging young professionals to enhance their potential. Through them, we will be able to disseminate the ideology of Armenian architecture around the world.

The fourth is the implementation of activities within Armenian communities, that is, collaboration.

And finally, it is the strengthening of relations with Artsakh, the foundations of which were recently laid.

Hayern Aysor: Mrs. Tutunjian, what has the Association achieved over the past seven years?

T.: Every building is built on foundations. We have already laid those foundations on which the building will be built.

In this sense, what is special is the creation of the Association’s official website (, which is aimed at consolidating the potential of Armenian architects and engineers of the world in one pan-Armenian platform, promoting contacts and cooperation between them and contributing to the dissemination of the values of Armenian architecture and engineering across the globe.

The Pan-Armenian Association of Architects and Engineers organizes pan-Armenian conferencesof architects and engineers once every two years inclose collaboration with the RA Ministry of Diaspora, and this has already turned into a tradition. This is a special event that provides the Armenian architects and engineers of Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora come together, talk about their achievements and try to share their knowledge and experiences with each other. For many, the conferencealso serves as a unique opportunity to visit Armenia, get acquainted with the local experts and establish new contacts. In 2015, we organized the third pan-Armenian conference, which helped expand the geography of the Association and laid foundations for the establishment of affiliations in 12 countries.

Among the other successes is the signing of memoranda with various organizations, institutions and universities. We have started taking actions to provide youth with training opportunities so that they become self-established. Our first attempt will be successful, if we can send some young experts of Armenia to foreign countries for training.

There are also activities, the results of which will be seen soon.

It is very important for us to underline our affiliation to the Armenian Diaspora, which shows the image of our nation.

For instance, the Armenian community of Egypt has a long history. True, there are very few Armenians in Egypt today, but the heritage of the community has been preserved, and the Egyptian-Armenians do their best to transmit that heritage to the generations.

Unfortunately, the activities in Turkey are very modest and delicate. We Armenians have a rich architectural heritage in that country, but the works of Armenian architects are presented as the works of Turkish masters.

Through the Turkey-based HAYCAR Association, we need to be able to restore the true identity of Armenian architects who lived in Turkey or Historic Armenia.

I consider the publication of the booklet “MonumentsSpeaking Armenian” one of the Association’s achievements. It is about the school of Armenian architecture.

It is a small book, but very interesting and substantial. If any foreigner reads it, he will immediately feel that he is dealing with a unique style of architecture, architecture with volume and space of stones, and I am the representative of that school.

Hayern Aysor: Mrs. Tutunjian, in which countries are the Association’s representations more active?

T.: Last year, we managed to establish wonderful contacts through the Pan-Armenian Conferenceof Architects and Engineers. With kind wishes, we are collaborating with the Armenian Association of Architects and Engineers of Turkey (HAYCAR) and the Association of Armenian Architects and Engineers of Iran. The representatives in Egypt and France are very active. We have also established representations in Jordan, Lebanon, Sweden, the United States and Russia. As for the Arab World, Qatar and the UAE are very active and have great professionals. We also have an opportunity to include Poland within our composition.

I hope we can carry out joint projects.

Hayern Aysor: Mrs. Tutunjian, to what extent are Diaspora Armenian architects able to preserve the traditions of Armenian architecture abroad?

T.: I, for one, am able to preserve them, but I can’t say the same for others. This is a very difficult and delicate issue. Being an Armenian architect is a way of thinking. If anyone is familiar with Armenian architecture, he understands the dynamics, space, volume and style of the architecture and can use that concept. For instance, whenever I start working on a new project, I immediately recall the samples of Armenian architecture and get inspired.

In reality, Diaspora Armenian architects are unique in terms of their styles. In our field, the professionalism of an expert is appreciated first.

Hayern Aysor: Mrs. Tutunjian, what are the future plans of the Association?

T.: We are going to try to turn the Pan-Armenian Association of Architects and Engineers into a financially sustainable organization so that we can continue to work without sponsors. The Association must become a dynamically growing organization and be self-sufficient.

I will let you know a little secret and say that we plan on creating the image of an Armenian design that has never existed. Today, we have a school with an architectural image and rich architectural traditions reestablished in the 20th century, but we still have a lot of work to do in terms of design.

The image of design is very powerful in Moroccan, Japanese, Arab, Egyptian, Russian and Indian architecture. Having a rich architectural heritage, we Armenians can benefit from the opportunities that those architectures have to offer and create the image of Armenian design. We are working very consistently in that direction.

Lusine Abrahamyan

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