Armen Hareyan: “Journalists help shape the state and heroes”

During the session of the 8th Pan-Armenian Forum of Journalists held in Artsakh (the forum is organized by the RA Ministry of Diaspora under the title “Armenian Statehood: Axis of Unity”), Armenian American writer, publicist Armen Hareyan touched upon freedom of speech and the responsibility of journalists for nation-building and shaping Armenians.
“Journalists are like preachers. They move the human mind. Everything we talk about with people is ideas that are conveyed to the people around us and help form their mindset. We journalists move the human mind, and this makes a person take action.
Armenian media outlets have large audiences and help Armenians make the right decisions in this complicated world. Consequently, it is very important to make sure the news that we provide is not only accurate and hinged on facts, but also be aimed at shaping a person morally. It is our responsibility to help shape a moral person,” Armen Hareyan stated, according to Hayern Aysor. Hareyan added that he concerned about what Armenian presses are presenting to their readers and how much trash some mass media outlets give to people in order to have a couple of more readers or viewers. According to him, the various types of soap operas and television programs advocate egoism and low-class people.
“Is this the will and legacy that we Armenians have inherited from our fathers and forefathers? No, this is not the legacy of our forefathers. They transmitted faith and values that are good, bright and eternal. This is what we need to write about. This is what we need to talk about so that our children inherit the will of our forefathers, not perversion.
The media has a tremendous impact on a person’s education. Consequently, we editors and journalists must never forget about this responsibility, but talk about it and remind each other with pleasure.
Journalists help shape people, the state and heroes. Our minds move the minds of people and make them take action. We need to use our time wisely and share stories about heroic acts, dedication, loyalty and honesty. This will help bring forth real leaders and help people grow as honest people,” Armen Hareyan concluded.