Teacher of “Hayordats Tun” Armenian School of Moscow: “Helping should set an example for others”

About six months have passed since Azerbaijan unleashed a war in April. Throughout the past six months, a lot was said and written, but being the Christians that we Armenians are, we didn’t talk about a lot of the support that was provided. Among the supporters was the “Hayordats Tun” Armenian School of Moscow, which provided spiritual and financial assistance to the Republic of Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic , but we decided to write about one of the ways that the school provided its support.

Every month, the students of the classroom 3b of Yeranuhi Ghazaryan send a certain amount of money to the family of deceased Major Suren Melkumyan. The father of the four sons, Major Melkumyan was killed during the very first days in April, and his wife was expecting their fifth child.

“During the war in April, we raised some money and sent it to three families. After that, during a discussion, one of the students suggested sending some “pocket money” to the Melkumyans until next May,” students Karine Gasparyan and Artyom Vardanyan said in an interview, emphasizing that what they’re doing is not enough and is not worth mentioning. However, there is another reason why we are mentioning this.

“Throughout the past six months, my students, who are mainly university students, haven’t told anyone about the financial assistance that they are providing to the Melkumyans. However, I believe that what they’re doing can set an example for others. I would like to see Armenians around the world send at least a part of their daily lunch money to the families of the victims of the war and mitigate their worries to a certain extent.  I thank the Russian-speaking students of classroom 3b and would like to see their actions set an example for others and, most importantly, I would like for the homeland to be in peace and our soldiers to become heroes in peace and never see Armenian mothers cry for pain and loss,” Yeranuhi Ghazaryan said.

Information Center of “Hayordats Tun” Armenian School of Moscow

Source: Hayern Aysor

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