Strasbourg’s “Hayordi” (Young Armenians) Armenian Youth Union organizing free Armenian language courses

Starting from October 21st, the “Hayordi” (Young Armenians) Armenian Youth Union of Strasbourg is launching free Armenian language courses. As reported Hayern Aysor, citing Nouvelles d’Arménie, the one-hour classes will be held every Friday at 18:00 at 1 Rue de la Patrie 67300 Schiltigheim and is open to all children and teens between the ages of 7 and 15 with the desire to learn the native language.
P.S.: Patriotism and the preservation of the Armenian identity lie at the core of the activities of the “Hayordi” (Young Armenians) Armenian Youth Union of Strasbourg. The youth union was officially registered in 2011 and has planned and implemented several patriotic and cultural events. In 2015, the youth union implemented a new patriotic program called “Helping Bordering Villages”, which helps provide clothes to insecure families of Armenia’s bordering families and writing utensils to schoolchildren. The support program is carried out through the combined efforts of the union’s members.