Armenian Radio Hour on Syria’s “Farah’s FM” Radio Station

Initiated by Nora Arissian, Armenian member of the Syrian Parliament, an agreement was reached with Syria’s “Farah FM” Radio Station to dedicate a weekly program to Armenian topics, songs and music.

According to “Hayern Aysor”, the program to be titled “Yan” will present to the listener the Armenian culture, history as well as the Armenians living in Syria.

The first guest of the program was member of the Parliament of Syria Nora Arissian. During the broadcast she talked about the Armenian Genocide, the independence of Artsakh, the invention of the Armenian letters and the Armenian language.

“The “Farah FM” radio station has a large audience and that offer us a chance to present Armenian topics to a wide circle and inform it about Armenian culture and history”,- said Nora Arissian to “Hayern Aysor”.

The host of “Yan” is Rahaf al Rezan, the director is Maha Mohammed and the coordinator of the program is George Gharam.

The broadcasts of the radio station are also available online.

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