The support of the Armenian community of Fresno will become traditional

On July 18, RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan received Honorary Consul of the Republic of Armenia in Fresno Berge Abgarian.

Greeting the guest, the Minister attached importance to the pro-national activities of the Armenian community of Fresno and the active efforts and dedication of the Honorary Consul. It was through the sponsorship and active participation of the Armenian community of Fresno that the first medical mission was organized in Armenia in 2015. Through financial assistance from the Armenian community, a group of 22 doctors visited 6 provinces of Armenia and provided free medical checkups and interventions and conducted free maxillofacial surgeries, in association with the RA Ministry of Health.

This year, another large group of doctors is expected to visit Armenia. From September 30 to October 14, 28 doctors will conduct maxillofacial and dental surgeries in Yerevan, Gyumri and Artsakh and will be bringing 23 suitcases of medicine and medical equipment that they will donate to medical clinics for surgeries.

Head of the medical mission of the Armenian community of Fresno, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Armenia in Fresno Berge Abgarian voiced hope that such visits would become traditional.

This time the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Armenia in Fresno is in Armenia with an important mission. Right after the four-day Artsakh war in April, paying heed to Berge Abgarian’s call and taking the initiative, the Armenian community of Fresno organized a fundraiser to support the families of deceased and wounded soldiers, raising $40,000 dollars, which will be distributed to 85 families of deceased and wounded soldiers. The members of the community have already visited Artsakh and will soon be leaving for the Kotayk, Ararat and Aragatsotn Provinces.

The Minister presented the policy of the RA Ministry of Diaspora and the programs promoting the implementation of that policy, as well as the primary issues and future actions of the Ministry of Diaspora.

During the meeting, the sides discussed issues concerning the Armenian community of Fresno, as well as issues on how the Armenian community of Fresno can become more engaged in the programs of the RA Ministry of Diaspora and cooperate more actively.

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