Germany should condemn Armenian Genocide, not recognize: Genocide Recognition Commission

Ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the German Commission on Genocide Recognition will hold several events. Zhirayr Kocharyan, the member of the German Commission on Genocide Recognition, stated at the press conference held on October 11: “We are cooperating with the German political figures and intelligentsia, as other Christians as well were massacred by the Turkish perpetrator government”. Armenpress reports that the lecturer of Free University of Berlin Zhirayr Kocharyan stated that ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide the Commission applied to the German Bundestag to review the decision on the Armenian Genocide adopted in 2005.
“In the corresponding document the German government puts the stress on the reconciliation of the Armenians and Turkish, as if they have been hurt by each other. We want that the Genocide is put to be condemned and not recognized”, – said the lecturer of Free University of Berlin Zhirayr Kocharyan.
Kocharyan noted that Turkey is a “double-criminal”, as it committed genocide not only towards Armenians but also towards the Greeks and Assyrians.
The German Commission on Armenian Genocide Recognition has been functioning for already 15 years. It has Christian members of different nations. Every year the Commission organizes events to commemorate the Armenian Genocide.