Call for Papers for Conference on “Armenians of Iraq”

The Armenian Diaspora Research Center of Haigazian University is organizing a conference on “Armenians of Iraq” in May 2017.

Research papers may be presented on any of the following topics:

A)    History: Armenians in Iraq:a) the pre-Genocide era, b) during the Armenian Genocide, c) the post-Genocide period (the British mandate; the monarchy; the pre- and post-Saddam era, etc.).

B)     The State and the Armenians:Armenians in state offices (the ministries, the military establishment, health, local government, etc.); minority rights in the constitution;Armenians in theKurdistan Regional Government.

C)     Armenian refugees, refugee camps and conditions: Nahr El Omar,Baquba, etc.

D)    Post-Genocide Armenian residential areas: past and current Armenian settlements/residential areas of Mosul, Zakho, Dehok, Irbil, Bagdad, Basra, Havrez, Avzrug.

E)     The Armenian Church: history and role of the Armenian Church (Apostolic, Catholic and Evangelical) in Iraq, its role in inter-religious dialogue in Iraq and its humanitarian outreach.

F)      Organizations: history and role of Armenian organizations (social, athletic, philanthropic, sports, etc.) in Iraq.

G)    Culture: schooling and education, newspapers, choirs, Iraqi Armenian cultural figures, authors, actors, painters etc.

H)    Identity &Integration: Contribution of the community to the local culture (theatre, arts, media, photography, sports, music etc.),economy and industry, business and the market, media and publishing; social and philanthropic organizations; politics; Armenians in the Baath, Communist and other parties; matters of identity and the integration of Armenians in the native communities.

I)       The Community in the eyes of the Iraqis: The image of Armenians in Iraqi culture (movies, theater, literature, oral history, collective memory, etc).

J)       The Iraqi Armenian Diaspora: Repatriation of Iraqi Armenians to Soviet Armenia since the 1920s; the Iraqi Armenian Diaspora in the West (the US, Europe and Australia).

K)    Relations with: Armenia, the Middle East Armenian communities, the Armenian Diaspora at large and the Iraqi Armenian Diaspora.

L)     a) Participants are expected to present a research paper for 25 minutes in Armenian, English, French or Arabic (professional translation will be made available).
b) The proceedings of the conference will be published in a separate book.
c) Participants will have till July 30, 2017 to modify/further improve/develop their papers for the book (if need be).
d) The HU ADRC will provide up to four days of accommodation for the participants of the conference.
e) Applicants are expected to submit an abstract of their paper by email by November 25, 2016 to the Armenian Diaspora Research Center.
f) Official confirmation of participation and acceptance of the topic will be sent by December 20, 2016.

For further details, contact: 00961 1 349230 ext. 205, or 00961 3 712058, or email to:

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