The geography of my birthplace
It is the duty of each person to examine the history of his nation. It is also important for each person to examine the geography of his birthplace.
This was the purpose of the already annual Armenian History Contest organized by the Board of ARS Georgia this year.
The contest was held at the Armenian Educational, Cultural and Youth Center of Akhalkalak and gathered over 100 schoolchildren from several schools across Akhalkalak. The schoolchildren were assigned to write the answers to 15 questions about the versions that they had proposed. They were excited about answering the questions in written form since they considered it more effective than taking a test. The contest made everyone work independently. The committee comprised of the best experts of the region will announce the results in two days. Stages will be held in other regions over the next few days.
The final stage for the winners of the regional stage will be a verbal test that will help enhance a child’s verbal skills and check his knowledge.
The Board of ARS Georgia will also organize an Award Ceremony for the winners to encourage the winners with the awards that they deserve.
Javakhk Media
ARS Georgia