Opening of Armenian florist’s show in Romania’s Cluj-Napoca

On June 12, the Art Museum of the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca hosted the opening ceremony of the Grand World Wedding Show Program of famous florist, director of a school of florists in Moscow Arayik Galstyan. It sparked great interest among florists and gathered hundreds of officials and cultural figures. The show featured the works of the Armenian florists and the clothes designed by Romanian fashion designers. Arayik Galstyan had personally created floral ornaments for the clothes.
According to “Armenpress”, among the supporters were Director of the Art Museum of Cluj-Napoca Lucian Nastasa-Kovacs and famous TV journalist for TVR Cluj, director of the Cluj branch of the Union of Armenians of Romania Karen Atila Sebesi, who opened the event and joked that Armenians can be seen wherever there are flowers and pastry, referring to the fact that the event was also supported by Romanian companies producing chocolate and natural juices.
On June 8-11, a seminar devoted to floristics was held ahead of the show/program. Ioana Cadar, organizer and director of Arayik Galstyan’s International Wedding Project, stated that the seminar for florists was innovative in Romania since it was changing the mindsets of Romanian and European florists and their views on flowers, natural materials and structure and their combinations. The seminar gathered over 20 florists from Romania, Armenia, Moldova, Hungary, Sweden and Serbia. Arayik Galstyan and designer Ruslan Valiev held a master class for the participants.