ADLP member Jenny Krikorian-Barseghian: “Women are often more active than men within the political party”
On May 30, the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia hosted the newly elected members of the Central Board of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party (Ramgavar) (ADLP). Hayern Aysor’s correspondent sat down for an interview with Jenny Krikorian-Barseghian, who is one of the newly elected members.
Hayern Aysor: Mrs. Barseghian, are you the first and only woman member of the newly elected board of the ADLP?
Jenny Krikorian-Barseghian: I am the second one over the past 20 years. I have been a member of the ADLP for 22 years now. I am from Damascus. I worked as a junior as part of various boards before the war and served as the chairwoman of the Women’s Committee for the past couple of years. We moved here after the war broke out.
Hayern Aysor: What role do women play within the political party?
J. K. B.: I must say that women form a majority within the political party, and believe me, they are often more active than the men. Women were especially the breadwinners in Damascus.
Hayern Aysor: Are you aware of the plans for Artsakh?
J. K. B.: There are plans that will soon be carried out. The ADLP has an office in Artsakh chaired by Mr. Galstyan. We are always in touch with Artsakh, and it’s clear that we are actively collaborating with the office.
Hayern Aysor: What does the Women’s Union of the ADLP do?
J. K. B.: It is mainly involved in carrying out cultural programs.
Hayern Aysor: What is the main mission of your political party?
J. K. B.: The main mission is to preserve the Armenian identity. We do everything we can to make sure that Armenian children preserve their identity and language and that Armenian families preserve national traditions.
Hayern Aysor: Do you collaborate with the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia?
J. K. B.: Indeed! We have very strong ties with the Ministry of Diaspora. It is the home, family and roof for all Armenians around the world.
Karine Avagyan