Moscow-based Javakhk-Armenians to donate 100,000 rubles to each family of a deceased Armenian soldier

Moscow-based Javakhk-Armenians will each donate 100,000 rubles to the families of the victims that the Armenian party suffered as a result of the military actions that Azerbaijan launched on the night of 1 April.
This is what Deputy of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and co-chair of the Union of Georgian-Armenians NGO Tatchat Vardapetyan told “Artsakhpress”, adding that a group of Moscow-based Javakhk-Armenians have responded to the speech that he recently made in the RA National Assembly, calling on Armenians to stand with Armenian soldiers by providing financial and humanitarian assistance.
“I am very pleased with the fact that my compatriots, the Armenians of Javakhk, were the first to respond to my call because I am originally from Javakhk. Today all Armenians need to stand with Armenian soldiers. This is a issue of national concern,” Tatchat Vardapetyan said, adding that benefactors have expressed the desire to personally meet with the family of every deceased soldier when providing the financial assistance.
According to Vardapetyan, the first donations have been given, and the financial contributions for the families of deceased soldiers and peaceful civilians of Artsakh will be given during meetings to be held after the celebrations in May.