Ambassador Mills: Armenian economy becomes attractive for U.S. investors

The Armenian economy has reached a level of development that becomes attractive for American investors. “Armenpress” reports Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Armenia Richard Mills told about this in an online question and answer session.

“President Obama’s comments display the priorities of the embassy in Armenia and the US government in Armenia and the increase of American investments and trade. Important developments took place last year, including the launch of Vorotan Hydro Cascade which was the largest one-off American investment in Armenia. A framework agreement of trade and investments was also signed between Armenia and the United States. It aims to help the government of both countries mutually eliminate trade barriers”, the Ambassador said. In his words, lifting sanctions from Iran can be well used by Armenia as a platform to foster American business with Iran. Richard Mills mentioned that the goal of the embassy to attract more investments goes parallel with the works of cutting corruption in Armenia, which is carried out in collaboration with Armenian partners. “Ensuring parity for all types of businesses, be they Armenian, foreign or Russian, is extremely important. We can attract investments assisting in reducing corruption for the benefit of all those who are engaged in business activities in Armenia”, the Ambassador added.

Newly appointed Armenian Ambassador to the United States Grigor Hovhannisyan delivered his credentials to the US President Barack Obama on January 28, who mentioned at the meeting that the historic rise of American investments in Armenia in 2015 is just the beginning.

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