(Արևելահայերեն) Հայկական «Shadowmatic»-ը 10-ից ավելի երկրների AppStore-ի տարվա խաղն է

Armenian “Shadowmatic” was recognized AppStore’s best game of the year in a number of countries. Particularly, the game is the best in Australia, Brazil, Germany, China, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Mexico, Russia, and France.
The game’s coauthor Bagrat Dabaghyan, during the interview with “Armenpress”, mentioned they are surprised that except appearing in the list of best applications of 2015, the mentioned game was also recognized AppStore’s game of the year in a number of countries. It obligates them to make the game more exciting for users.
“Shadowmatic” game is the product of “Triada Studio” company.