“Hayastan” AllArmenian fund bank accounts for assisting SyrianArmenians are still active

Cash and currency accounts opened by “Hayastan” AllArmenian fund in 2012 for assisting the SyrianArmenians which are aimed at directing the collected money to the needs of our compatriots are still active.
As “Armenpress” was informed by “Hayastan” allArmenian fund, the greatest part of the sums transferred to the account (ArdShinInvestBank, Republic of Armenia, Yerevan city, Grigor Lusavorich Street 13, 0015 No 2470100030900000 (AMD) No 2470100030900001 (USD), SWIFT: ASHBAM22 “Hayastan” allArmenian fund) was formed as a result of contributions gathered by fund’s local authorities of France, Germany, the West Coast of the USA, Argentina, Brazil, Lebanon, Sweden, the Netherlands within the TV marathons in 2012 and 2013 as well as different Armenian and foreign legal and physical persons, including Hrair Hovnanian, Ara Abrahamyan, Petak LLC, HayRusGasArd CJSC, the Galustanian Raffi Charitable Center.
The fund has used the contributions to implement a range of healthcare, educational, and socialassistance projects. The fund has provided the sums in assistance to the SyrianArmenian community for paying the salaries of teachers at Aleppo’s Armenian schools, financing heart surgeries of SyrianArmenian individuals, covering the cost of funerals, the tuitions of SyrianArmenian students attending various colleges and universities in Armenia. Sum was provided also to Yerevan’s Kilikian School which has opened its doors to children from SyrianArmenian refugee families, the cost of refugee flights between Aleppo and Yerevan were covered.