Events in Canada, dedicated to the 24th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Armenia

On September 18, under the auspices of the Embassy of Armenia to Canada the 24th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Armenia was celebrated in Toronto.
In his speech Armen Yeganian, Ambassador of Armenia to Canada spoke of the importance of Independence in the history of Armenian people, mentioning the establishment of Armenian statehood and the strengthening of Armenia-Diaspora ties. During the event Ambassador awarded Jim Karygiannis, Canadian politician and a friend of Armenian people with Mkhitar Gosh medal, whose contribution towards the recognition of the Armenian Genocide in Canadian Parliament was immense.
On September 19, a similar event with rich cultural programme took place in Montreal. In his remarks Ambassador Yeganian presented the path Armenian Republic walked since independence, talked about its achievements and challenges. He called upon the compatriots to be more involved in the public and economic life of the motherland.
Events dedicated to the 24th Anniversary of the Independence of Armenia also took place in several other Canadian cities.