Istanbul-Armenian community frustrated with Ramadan meal served at local Armenian church

The Ramadan meal served in the yard of the St. Hripsimyants Armenian Church of Istanbul’s Sareyer District has frustrated the Armenian community of Istanbul.
As reports, citing Istanbul’s Armenian Agos Weekly, on July 9, a Ramadan meal (sahur) was served by the council of the St. Hripsimyants Church of Istanbul and Sareyeri Municipality.
Later, it became clear that the council of the St. Hripsimyants Church hadn’t received permission from the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople to organize a Ramadan meal for Muslims.
General Vicar of the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople, Archbishop Aram Ateshian also mentioned that certain members of the Armenian community claim that the Muslims also performed a namaz in the church. He stressed that if this is confirmed, the Patriarchate will only be able to recall its clergyman as a sanction.