100th anniversary olive tree from Charles Aznavour in Marseilles

On June 4, the sign inscribed “1915-2015: 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide” and posted on the façade of the administrative building (“White House”-“Maison Blanche”) of the 9th-10th District of Marseilles was unveiled during a grand ceremony held on the sidelines of the events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide.

Among those attending the ceremony were RA Ambassador to Switzerland Charles Aznavour, leader of the Marseilles-Provence-Metropol community and MP Gi Tesien, Head of the 9th-10th District of Marseilles Lionel Rouaye-Pereau, Head of the 11th-12th District of Marseilles and MP Valery Buaye, RA Consul in Marseilles Samvel Lalayan, deputy mayors, representatives of local self-government bodies, leaders of French and Armenian organizations, journalists and several members of the local Armenian community.

The event began with a performance of the song “For You, Armenia” by the choir of Hamazkayin School in Marseilles. In their speeches, the speakers attached importance to the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, the symbol and significance of the centennial for the Armenian people and the international community and appreciated Charles Aznavour’s participation in the event and invaluable dedication to international recognition of the Armenian Genocide as a great Armenian and Frenchman.

Mayor Lionel Ruaye-Pereau granted the commemorative medal of the honorary citizen of the 9th-10th District of Marseilles to Charles Aznavour. Afterwards, the sign reading “100th Anniversary Olive Tree from Charles Aznavour” was unveiled and posted as a symbol of peace on the 300-year-old olive tree planted in the garden of the “White House”.

French presses provided wide coverage of the event.

The municipality will continue to hold more events dedicated to Armenia for another ten days.

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