Renowned composer Raymond Pauls to participate in “Erebuni-Yerevan” celebration

During the official visit to Riga, Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan, jazzman Levon Malkhasyan and member of Yerevan City Council Hrant Tokhatyan were hosted by famous Latvian composer Raymond Pauls.
Raymond Pauls greeted the mayor and the members of his delegation and congratulated them on the signing of an agreement on turning Yerevan and Riga into brother cities.
The famous composer also voiced hope that the signed agreement would help further strengthen the cultural relations between the two capitals.
Expressing gratitude for the warm reception, Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan assured that there was truly great potential for the mutually beneficial cooperation with Riga, including in the cultural sphere. Taking the opportunity, Mayor Taron Margaryan also invited Raymond Pauls to Armenia to participate in the “Erebuni-Yerevan 2795” festivities to be held in the fall.
The famous composer accepted Taron Margaryan’s invitation with pleasure and promised to visit Yerevan and celebrate with the citizens.