RA Ministry of Diaspora-The Diaspora stands by the side of the Homeland

Being aware of the events taking place in Artsakh, on these days of April, all Diaspora Armenians, as well as Diaspora Armenian structures and organizations are expressing their total solidarity with the Defense Army of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

Today, the Diaspora is showing its collective force and using all possible measures, showing that it has always stood and will stand by the side of the Homeland.

Standing united as one, all structures, organizations and traditional political parties of the Armenian Diaspora are making statements condemning Azerbaijan’s attacks. Armenian communities are speaking out to the authorities of their countries of residence to suppress Baku’s belligerent ambitions.

Requiem Services and Holy Masses for support are being held in Armenian churches around the world.

People are expressing the willingness to help with whatever they can and are even expressing the willingness to leave for the military front.

All this goes to show the Armenians’ spirit of unity and the determination to place the Homeland above everything else.

RA Ministry of Diaspora

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