Book “Germany’s Responsibility for the Armenian Genocide” to be presented in Istanbul

German journalist and writer Jurgen Gottschlag will present his book “Germany’s Responsibility for the Armenian Genocide” in Istanbul on December 2.

As reports, the Turkish Demokrat Haber news portal reports that the writer will read excerpts from his book and will answer questions from the attendees.

The book presents how Germany, which wanted to establish its dominance in the East during WWI, engaged Turkey in the war. German soldiers serving in the army of the Ottoman Empire would consider Armenians spies and traitors, and when the forceful deportations of the Armenians turned into genocide, the German government found that the massacre of millions of people “is a cruel, but effective method.” According to the author, Germany overlooked the concerns of diplomats and clergymen over the atrocities that were happening to the Armenians.

While writing his book, Jurgen Gottschlag visited the sites where the events took place, met with the relatives of Armenian Genocide victims and examined Turkish and German archives.

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