Hranush Hakobyan: “This year proved that if we want, we can accomplish many things”

The most powerful and most impressive events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide were the events that took place on April 24th. This is what RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan said today at the conference for experts entitled “I Remember and Demand”.

“On that day, the events were mainly in the form of protests and demands in many countries, and that was very impressive,” said Hranush Hakobyan, according to

She mentioned that almost all research centers covered the Armenian Genocide, including research centers in Ankara and Istanbul.

“This year proved that if we want, we can accomplish many things. If we stand shoulder to shoulder, we can move mountains,” said the minister.

She mentioned that there are 30 books devoted to the Armenian Genocide and that another 12 will be released this year. They have been translated into French, English, German and other languages in order to present the story of the Armenians to foreign readers.

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