Ruben Vardanyan starting a new business

The Skolkovo School of Management in Moscow, a trustee of which is former major shareholder of the former Troyka Dialog and current Sberbank Ruben Vardanyan, has conducted a study, according to which 48 is the average age of wealthy businessmen in Russia. After ten or twenty years, they will all need services to transfer their wealth and businesses. “It’s not only about oligarchs, but also medium businessmen,” Vardanyan told Fobes, according to

In early summer of 2015, Vardanyan founded Phoenix Advisors and multifamily office (the name remains secret). Their coordinator is former president of Renaissance Capital Alexander Merzlenko, who is in charge of establishing contacts with the company’s main customers. In late spring of 2015, Merzlenko appointed his former senior partner, director of the Third Rome multifamily office Alexey Stankevich director of Phoenix Advisors. His obligations are to compile the assets and transactions and plan the transfer of capital. The creation of protectorates is a major part of the business. The protector (representative of Vardanyan’s company) protects the interests of the multifamily business (companies, trusts, funds and foundations). Vardanyan says the service is necessary in order to protect the family’s assets and he has experience in applying such a mechanism for his inheritors, reports Forbes.

Phoenix Advisors will help the businessman develop a strategy on his assets and circle of inheritors. Phoenix Advisors can provide services as a co-manager, if the client trusts Vardanyan’s and his team’s reputation, but is also ready to engage large international homes, for example, bankers from the Rotschild family or Swiss bankers. In case of operation of the mechanism, the inheritor won’t have to wait for the transfer of legacy for a long time, and Vardanyan’s representatives will be able to join the board of directors or other management bodies in order to protect the inheritor’s interests.

The amount of the fee will depend on the type of service. It may be something like a commission for management or something like a subscription fee.

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