Concert dedicated to Armenian Genocide Centennial was held in Lebanon

Lebanese-Armenian musicians gave a concert dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide at the Beiteddine Art Festival, which is one of the major events in the country. In an interview with “Armenpress” from Lebanon, general producer of the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra Arman Padaryan informed that the Philharmonic gave a brilliant performance with the National Chamber Choir of Armenia and Hover State Chamber Choir during Beiteddine Art Festival on August 8.

The concert began with a performance of Aram Khachaturian’s Spartak Suite, followed by a brilliant performance of the Concerto for the Violin of Brahms by renowned and talented violinist Sergey Khachatryan and the orchestra. There were warm rounds of applause during the parts of this concerto,” Arman Padaryan said.

During the event, the choirs and the orchestra were conducted by artistic director and principal conductor of the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra Eduard Topchyan. “The second part of the concert included a performance of Mozart’s Requiem, and a part of Tigran Mansurian’s Requiem was performed as an encore. The concert ended with screams of “bravo” and rounds of applause that seemed endless. The event brought together nearly 3,000 people. All the participants, staff members and VIP guests had the “Forget-me-not” pin on their chests. The stage was also designed in the shape of the Forget-me-not,” the general producer of the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra added. The concert also included solo performances by soloists, Soprano Irina Zakyan, Tenor Berj Karazian, Mezzo Soprano Narine Ananikian and Baritone Sarkis Bazhbeuk Melikian.


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