Missiles dropped in Armenian-populated district of Aleppo

Missiles were dropped in the Armenian-populated New Village District of Aleppo on April 14, speaker of the Armenian Prelacy of the Diocese of Aleppo Jirair Reyisian told “Armenpress”, adding that the missiles were dropped on the apartment building located near Karen Eppe College, causing material damages.

“Fortunately, there were no people in the building, but two floors have been completely destroyed, and it’s safe to say they no longer exist,” Reyisian mentioned. He also informed that the destroyed apartments belonged to Armenians. According to Reyisian, Aleppo is still in a state of trouble and instability, and there are always surprises. Earlier, the Prelacy’s speaker had reported that the April 11 bombing had destroyed the building of the Prelacy.

The bombing had left several Armenians injured, and they are currently under doctors’ supervision. Since the summer of 2012, Aleppo has been the target of government forces and armed terrorists, and the bombings continue to this day. Based on information provided by the United Nations, more than 220,000 people have died as a result of the clashes that have been going on in Syria for nearly four years, and among the victims are more than 100 Armenians.

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