Dining-hall being constructed on Armenian cemetery in Malkara

As a result of construction of dining halls or road-construction the age-old tombstones and historical traces of Anatolia disappear from the city’s panorama. As reports “Armenpress” Turkish Radikal periodical touched upon the destruction of the Armenian historical-Cultural monuments in Turkey.

Among other things the periodical reflects on the Malkara region of Tekirdağ Province in Turkey,   states that this place appears in the Armenians’ agenda very rarely, notwithstanding in the beginning of 1915 there were 3,500 Armenians living here. There was an Armenian church in Malkara and two Armenian colleges. Although, Radikal states with bitter pain that about a week ago they have learnt that a dining-hall is being constructed on the Armenian cemetery in Malkara. “The activities aimed at turning the structure into a dining hall have already launched. Bones were seen, when the foundation of the structure was laid down,” Turkish Radikal states.


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