Journalist: 1,5 million people tombless in these lands

Hurriyet newspaper reporter Izzet Capa conducted an interview with Turkish radio journalist, columnist and writer of Armenian descent Hayko Baghdad who alluded to his national and religious affiliation, and touched upon issues concerning Armenians’ demands and the Genocide. 

– What will happen on April 24, 2015?

– Absolutely nothing. People lost their villages and lives. 1,5 million corpses are still tombless in these lands .

– And what can we do now?

– The only thing we can do is bury them. We should hold a proper requiem service, pray and say “amen” in all the languages possible. The presence of hundreds of thousands of unburied corpses drives us crazy. Yes, I am sure, what happened was Genocide.”

– Why does the term matter so much?

– It is important because the international law applies terms like genocide and sanctions as some preventive step. In fact, the authorities of that time and not states or nations are condemned for genocide. Those bearing legal responsibility for the Armenian Genocide are not alive any more. 

– What solution does current situation require?

– Only facing the history will make it possible to distant yourself from atrocities. Without confrontation the state mechanism of perpetrators will go on working, while facing the truth will prevent similar crimes in the future. 

– What suggestions do you have?

– People in Turkey become targets of outrage. For instance, I spot hatred towards Armenians, as well as the Alevi, Kurds and women. That is why I want the perpetrators to be punished, although I do not think that would do any better concerning anger towards minorities.


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