Yerevan State University and Charles University in Prague sign cooperation agreement

PRAGUE-ORER ORER.EU: Rector of Yerevan State University Aram Simonyan and Rector of Charles University in Prague Tomas Zima have signed an agreement on cooperation. In his letter addressed to his Czech counterpart, the rector of Yerevan State University emphasized that the agreement will help foster the relations between Armenia and the Czech Republic in the fields of science, education and culture. The agreement envisages exchanges of lecturers, researchers and students, reciprocal visits, as well as other spheres for cooperation.

On September 16, 2014, Rector of Charles University in Prague, Professor Tomas Zima and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the Czech Republic Tigran Seyranyan signed an agreement that provided the opportunity to launch courses on Armenian language, history and culture at Charles University starting from the 2014-15 Academic Year. Three courses were held in the first semester, and the courses for this semester began in February. The courses are on Armenian language, history of the Armenian people and grabar (classic Armenian).



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