Burjassot followed the example set by Mislata and Santa Coloma

The city of Burjassot of Valencia region became the third Spanish city to recognize the Armenian Genocide. The proposal of Ararat Armenian Association was submitted to the city council of Burjassot at the initiative of COMPROMIS Party.

In addition to groups of political parties and Hispanics, among those also attending the city council’s session were members of Ararat Armenian Association, including Ararat Ghukasyan, Narine Navasardyan, Arayik Karapetyan and Garegin Moghrovyan. When Mayor Rafa García put the issue up for discussion, speaker of the People’s Party Cristina Subiela was the first to ask to speak and mentioned that even though she condemns any violence and crime against humanity, including the Armenian Genocide, the task of advisors is to consider the worries and problems of citizens. “That’s why our political party will abstain from voting,” Subiela said in closing and didn’t forget to mention that Turkey is a friend of Spain.

Next to speak was speaker of the Socialist Party Olga Camps, who also condemned the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide and announced that her party would also abstain from voting.

In her speech, author of the resolution, speaker of COMPROMIS Party Luna Arias mentioned that she was grateful to the two major political parties for their decision to do the least they can do and abstain from voting, stating that “understanding, condemning and abstaining doesn’t seem enough and, after all, it isn’t recognition”. “That’s why we prefer the lesser of two evils rather than nothing at all,” Luna Arias said.

Arias briefly presented the history and consequences of the Armenian Genocide, mentioned the countries, regions, cities and organizations that have already recognized the Armenian Genocide and urged all state and non-governmental organizations to follow their example and recognize the first genocide of the 20th century, the Centennial of which is being marked this year. She also suggested respecting the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide and the members of the Avetisyan family, who were brutally murdered in Gyumri recently, with a moment of silence, which the participants of the session died after discussions on the items on the agenda.

Three advisors of the COMPROMIS and Left Union Parties voted in favor, 18 advisors of the People’s Party and the Socialist Party abstained from voting, making Burjassot the third city of Spain to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide.

When those attending the session were given the opportunity to ask their questions, President of Ararat Armenian Association Ararat Ghukasyan asked to speak, expressed gratitude for recognition and mentioned that “recognizing such crimes isn’t a heroic deed, but each person’s personal duty, regardless of social status”. “Non-recognition is the continuation of genocide which, unfortunately, we are seeing in different parts of the world.” Ghukasyan continued and said the following: “Yes, Turkey is a friend of Spain, but you, Hispanics, only have Armenian friends. We Armenians have Hispanic friends such as Luna Arias, who didn’t hesitate for a second and stood by our side to defend the Armenian Cause.” After his speech, Ghukasyan donated Mark Morte’s novel “The Children of Ararat” (Los Hijos del Ararat) to Luna Arias.

At the end, let us mention that the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide continue and that we will be providing information about those events.

Ararat Armenian Association

Valencia, Spain

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