“Msho Tcharntir”: Another film ahead of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide

Director Serge Avedikian will be producing an animated film entitled “Msho Tcharntir” ahead of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. The French-Armenian filmmaker has recently been seriously working on his new animated film “The Last Round in Istanbul” presenting the consequences of the Armenian Genocide, but has agreed to work on the new animated film as well.

In an interview with “ArmenPress”, Serge Avedikian mentioned that he won’t provide all the details of the film’s content since it’s still too early to talk about the project. “I didn’t write the script, but I approved it. I liked it because it’s a sensitive and very wonderful topic. I’ll be directing the film, even though there is still no signed contract. I’m waiting for the contract to be signed. It’s going to be a beautiful film,” Serge Avedikian mentioned.

The film will be produced by Art Step Studio with the support of the National Film Center of Armenia. Serge Avedikian also informed that after the release, the 15-minute film will be part of the Russian Comer Work Studio’s WWI Film-Almanac Program devoted to the events of 1915-18. The program includes film novels-stories presented by the representatives of different countries. The short films will be part of one whole film that will be disseminated to several countries.

The true and incredible story of salvation of “Msho Tcharntir” has already become a legend, and the women seeking the “Tcharntir” have become heroes.

Serge Avedikian is certain that several events will be held ahead of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. “I think there will be various events, including plays, showings of documentaries and animated film. Let everyone express themselves through all means of expression. Art provides the nation with the opportunity to express itself, but it won’t stop there. The process has already begun, and we’ll continue it. I hope to see some innovations. The actions devoted to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide will play a major role at least in terms of information, and the “Msho Tcharntir” film is an example,” he mentioned.

The renowned director’s ancestors also suffered from the horrors of the Armenian Genocide. “What happened in the past is in the past. We shouldn’t forget the past, but we need to “digest” it,” Avedikian clarifies.

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