Four topics to be discussed during 2nd plenary session of the 5th Armenia-Diaspora Conference were presented

RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan; Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, secretary of the State Commission in charge of Coordinating the Events Dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide Hayk Demoyan; Head of the Task Force in charge of Coordinating Activities with Syrian-Armenians, Chief of Staff of the RA Ministry of Diaspora Firdus Zakaryan and Head of the Coordinating Body for Pan-Armenian Forums of Journalists, Editor-in-Chief of Aztag Daily Shahan Kantaharian delivered speeches devoted to the four main topics during the second plenary session of the 5th Armenia-Diaspora Conference.

Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan greeted the participants of the conference and particularly said: “The people in this hall are reiterating the idea of unity, better yet, the aspiration to stand united as one. It’s nice to see that we all want to see Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora united as one and to participate in the solution to vital issues. It is symbolic that this conference is taking place ahead of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. As Armenians, you deserve appraisal and appreciation not only for participating in the conference, but for your hard work and dedication to serve Armenia and all Armenians around the world.”

The minister mentioned that the Ministry of Diaspora became a success due to the collaboration with pan-Armenian structures and organizations that represent the potential of the Diaspora. Today, the Ministry of Diaspora has many friends and partners, and the mutual confidence has been gradually established between those two levers.

The minister attached importance to certain achievements that have been made throughout the past three years following the 4th Armenia-Diaspora Conference. Hranush Hakobyan mentioned that the comments and suggestions made in the 117 speeches delivered in the previous conference have been compiled, coordinated and have served as a basis for the development of the Armenia-Diaspora partnership. The materials of the conference have been summed up and published in a book, and the copies have been sent to all the participants and interested organizations. The ministry has also prepared a program-calendar of events aimed at implementing the proposals. The issues related to different ministries and government agencies have been edited and sent to the addressees. The RA Ministry of Diaspora has carried out and continues to carry out the activities envisaged by the program-calendar in association with Armenia’s state and local self-governing bodies, as well as pan-Armenian organizations and organizations within the Armenian communities. Some of the suggestions and part of the activities based on those suggestions are long-term and ongoing.

The ministry has published an informative booklet that includes brief information about the implementation of the main suggestions made during the 4th Armenia-Diaspora Conference and the results that have been achieved.

The minister mentioned that, taking into consideration the geopolitical developments, the challenges facing the world and the region in a world that is constantly changing and becoming smaller, the participants of the conference must view the development of a strong and secure Armenia, the assurance of Artsakh’s security and independence as the ideological basis for the Armenia-Diaspora partnership and a priority of the nation, and must view the organized Diaspora and the Armenian language as the guarantee for preservation of the Armenian, as well as the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide.

“The Diaspora and Diaspora Armenian organizations serve as a unique bridge between Armenia and the international community. Thus, they must do their best to contribute to the dialogue between nations and civilizations. They must also deepen and enhance the partnership between Armenia and the Diaspora and between different sectors within the Diaspora, as well as contribute to the strengthening of friendly ties with the Diasporas of different nations,” Minister Hranush Hakobyan. Hakobyan attached importance to the strengthening of the Armenian family, the preservation of customs and traditions, Armenian names and last names and assistance to ensuring the use of Armenian language in the Armenian household and in an Armenian environment, viewing all this as necessary.

Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, secretary for the State Commission in charge of Coordinating the Events Dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide Hayk Demoyan delivered a speech on organizing the events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Greeting the gathered, Demoyan particularly said the following: “The coordination of events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide is an important imperative amid the challenges that are growing and changing on daily basis. We must ensure the security of Armenians in Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora. We are responsible to our innocent martyrs and for the security of the new generation. Every Armenian must feel responsible.”

Head of the Task Force in charge of Coordinating the Activities with Syrian-Armenians, Chief of Staff of the RA Ministry of Diaspora Firdus Zakaryan delivered a speech on the issues facing Syrian-Armenians having taken shelter in the Republic of Armenia.

Head of the Coordinating Body for Pan-Armenian Forums of Journalists, Editor-in-Chief of Aztag Daily Shahan Kantaharian delivered a speech on “The Role of Armenian Media in the Globalizing World”.

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