German-Armenian youth met in Mölln this summer

On 6-9 June, numerous young Armenians from different cities across Germany and Europe gathered in the German city of Mölln located not far from Hamburg (Schleswig-Holstein region) with the purpose of helping raising the level of self-awareness, as well as helping European-Armenian youth establish contacts and strengthen the existing relations.
The three-day program provided the Armenian youth with the opportunity to work together on several projects, as well as promote the preservation and development of national values. The program included lectures and seminars devoted to politics, culture and religion. Among the participants was Advisor to the RA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ashot Smbatyan, who delivered a lecture on Armenia’s foreign policy and answered the Armenian youth’s questions of concern. Assistant professor at the Institute of Armenian Genocide and Diaspora Studies Annika Tun, Priest Gnel Gabrielyan from Aleppo, as well as Master’s student of Rebensburg Anna Babayan also delivered lectures and hosted seminars during the three-day youth meeting.
The annual meeting of Armenian youth was organized through the combined efforts of the leaders of the youth committee of the Central Council of German-Armenians.
According to one of the organizers, Edgar Khachatryan, the meetings attract more and more young Armenians and spark more interest in Armenian programs every year.
Despite the difficulties with organization, the organizing team of the CCG Youth Committee carries out its activities with great pleasure since the three-day meeting provides the opportunity to see how young Armenians work actively and as a team.
Edgar Khachatryan also mentioned the fact that the meeting was held with the support of the Central Council of German-Armenians, the Armenian Church and the Armenian Embassy.
For us young Armenians living abroad, unity and cooperation are very important and necessary preconditions. Being a small nation, we Armenians have the objective to resist the challenges of globalization and try not to lose our image in Europe and in the world, for that matter. In order for us to be able to stand firm and resist the challenges, we must be aware of our national identity and, most importantly we need to stand united as one. Centuries ago, King Akemen told Dareh I that it’s impossible to win the Armenians and that they can only be split apart.
However, we Armenians are well aware of the importance of our nation and homeland, and we must not forget one of the most important messages that the great Yeghishe Charents has conveyed to us, which is the following:
“Oh! Armenian people, your only salvation lies in your collective force…”
Anna Babayan
Regensburg, Germany