President Serzh Sargsyan visits Armenian Public TV Company

Today, President Serzh Sargsyan visited the Public TV Company of Armenia.
The president took a tour of the TV Company, familiarized with the changes aimed at improving the broadcasting content and raising its technical quality, the new broadcasting policy, the company’s upcoming plans and the existing problems.
The Armenian President accompanied by the Chairman of the Public TV and Radio Company Council and the Managing Director of the TV Company toured the broadcasting pavilions, talked to the staff and familiarized with their working conditions.
At the end of the tour, Serzh Sargsyan held a consultation with the leadership of the Public TV Company and the representatives of the creative group. The president praised the Company’s reform implementation efforts, encouraged the staff and wished the Public TV Company further successes in carrying out subsequent projects. In order to reach the expected level, the president stressed the role of the TV Company in educating a devoted young generation, as well as the activities targeted at showing educational, cultural, patriotic and other instructive and useful programs propagating national and universal values among the public.
The president was also hosted by Arajin Lratvakan electronic periodical. Serzh Sargsyan familiarized with the working conditions of the periodical’s employers in the fully-renovated separate building, visited studies of journalists and technical staff and talked to them.
Later on, the Armenian President was hosted by the Public TV’s “Hartsazruyc” program.