Water restored in some districts of Aleppo

After nearly two weeks, water has been restored in some districts of Aleppo. This is what press secretary of the Armenian Prelacy of the Perio Diocese Jirair Reyisian mentioned in an interview with “ArmenPress”, adding that the authorities have warned the residents to drink the water after a couple of days. According to Reyisian, residents are on the streets, waiting in line to fill water or taking water in buckets, bottles and containers. Dozens of citizens have been poisoned from the non-drinking water. In late May, water was cut off in Aleppo due to a water pipeline explosion.

The press secretary also reported that there have been relatively fewer bombings in the past couple of days. “However, bombings continue at night,” said Reyisian, adding that more than 100 Armenian residents of New Village district remain in the church and some have moved to safer areas, or the homes of their friends and relatives.

As for electricity, Reyisian says power is on for 6 hours maximum and for fewer hours in some areas. The military operations in Aleppo have lasted more than two years, injuring and killing dozens of Armenians. Based on data provided by the UN, there are more than 150,000 Armenian victims.


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