From the ancient times it was very important to organize life of young people and children out of schools and universities. This is confirmed by the camps which are being organized in summer just after the universities and schools. The fact of organizing nice and effective holidays for youth and children is very important till now.

Social and Youth Workers NGO suggests his option on the topic of organizing interesting summer holidays for youth. Now Social and Youth Workers NGO in cooperation with Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia NGO and by working with other partner organizations from different countries has organized “Summer Together” Youth Exchange project which takes place on 31st May – 10th June, 2014 in Armenia. The project is financed by EU “Youth in Action” project. In this project are involved 30 participants from Georgia, Estonia and France.

This unique initiative is a nice opportunity for the participants to gain knowledge and skills not only about how to organize a youth camp but also to get acquainted with the methods of non-formal education which will help to organize more effective summer youth camps.

During the project participants will share their cultures, traditions, traditional foods and drinks through intercultural nights which will be organized during the project.

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