Celebration dedicated to the 96th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia in New Julfa

On May 30, a grand ceremony marking the 96th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia was held at the central headquarters of “Ararat” Armenian Sport-Cultural Union of New Julfa. The ceremony began with the “Patriarchal Wish”, which was performed by Archimandrite Anania Gutchanian and was held with the participation of priests and scholars. The ceremony included performances of songs by “Komitas” Choir of the S. A. Monastery. After the Patriarchal Wish, the scouts of the “Ararat” Armenian Sport-Cultural Union of New Julfa brought the national flags of Iran and Armenia, after which everyone stood for the national anthems of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Armenia. Madlen Gharibian read the message of the committee marking the 96th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia, after which the leaders of the Armenian Dioceese and members of other national authorities, members of the Armenian National Committee, students, teachers, superintendents and parent councils of Armenian schools, the Diocese’s unions and choirs, the “Ruben” Youth Union and “Tadeos Tadeosian” Youth Union and the committee marking the 96th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia participated in a parade held in front of the picture of Aram Manukyan, who was one of the founders of the First Republic of Armenia. In the end, all the scouts of “Ararat” Armenian Sport-Cultural Union marched. The participants of the parade were received by Archimandrite Anania Gutchanian, the national authorities and members of the Armenian National Committee of the region. The second part of the program included a lecture by national figure Vrej Shirvanian, followed by a speech by spiritual leader of the Armenians of Shahinshahr city, Archimandrite Anania Gutchanian, who first transmitted the greetings and congratulatory remarks of Bishop Babgen Charian and then conveyed his message to the gathered.

The program continued with performances of national, folk and revolutionary songs by Honored Artist of the Republic of Armenia Nersik Ispiryan, with the accompaniment of Arayik Mirzakhanian and Vardan Karapetian.

The festive event ended with a fireworks display.

Yeranush Tahmazian

Iran (New Julfa)

Photos by Gevik Khachatrian and Yeranush Tahmazian

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