Member of Turkish mafia claims that Gyulen Movement killed Hrant

Member of the Turkish mafia Kurshat Yelmaz has filed a claim against the Gyulen Movement, claiming that the Gyulen Movement is a terrorist group and that there was a time when the group had ordered him to kill Hrant Dink.

According to the Turkish Sabah, Kurshat Yelmaz has filed a lawsuit against the current and former judges, prosecutors, policemen and politicians, claiming that they are members of the Gyulen community.

Kurtash Yelmaz claims that in 2004, a person by the name of I. I. (representative of the Gyulen community in Ankara and an intelligence agent) had suggested that Yelmaz kill Hrant Dink. Yelmaz mentioned that he had tried to report all this to the court examining Dink’s murder, but the court hadn’t paid any attention to him.

“When I refused to fulfill the order, I was arrested in 2005. I noticed that terrorist group when a case was instigated by the 10th Court for Heavy Crimes in Beshiktash. Whomever we appealed to were members of the same group. We realized that later,” Kurtash Yelmaz said.

Let us mention that Fetullah Gyulen is leader of the large religious and social movement and a bearer of the theory of the synthesis of modern-day Islam and democracy. His Gyulen community has schools, newspapers, financial organizations and non-governmental organizations in Turkey and abroad.

The discrepancies between Fetullah Gyulen and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyib Erdogan reached the climax with the “Large Bribe” Operation against the Prime Minister and ministers on December 17, 2013.

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