Taner Akcam doesn’t expect much change in Turkey’s policy ahead of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide
Turkish intellectuals play a significant role in breaking the wall of Turkey’s denial of the Armenian Genocide and the Armenian Question.
One of such Turkish intellectuals was Taner Akcam who raised his voice about the crime perpetrated by the Young Turks against the Armenians in the early 20th century and has been making different statements urging Turkey to come to grips with its past and recognize the Armenian Genocide. “ArmenPress”’s correspondent sat down for an interview with Turk historian Taner Akcam to talk about the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations, possible changes in Turkey’s policy of denial ahead of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide and the contributing factors for that.
“ArmenPress”: One of Hrant Dink’s books was entitled “Two Close Nations, Two Distant Neighbors”. What do you think can help break the ice in the Armenian-Turkish relations?
Taner Akcam: There are only two important factors. First, it is the growth of civil resistance in Turkey. Secondly, it is the growth of pressure from the West and particularly Diaspora Armenians. I think the joint efforts between Turkey’s civil initiatives and Diaspora Armenians is the factor that will make Turkey change its policy. The Turkish government fears that cooperation the most. If the members of the Turkish opposition and Diaspora Armenians work together, the government will be under serious pressure.
“ArmenPress”: How can Turkey’s policy of denial change ahead of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide?
T. A.: I don’t expect to see much change in Turkey’s policy. I would love to be wrong. I think the Turkish government pretends to change some things and expects to pass that stage without making any changes. It might make cosmetic changes. With that, Turkey will say “we did it, now what do you want?” To make that change, Azerbaijan must allow Turkey to do that, without a settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, but that seems very complicated.
“ArmenPress”: Can the awakening of the conscience of Turkish society help increase pressure on the Turkish government to recognize the Armenian Genocide?
T. A.: The Armenian Genocide will gradually become an important topic for Turkish society. The Turks are beginning to understand and learn what really happened to the Armenians. I attach great importance to the pressure on the Turkish government within the country. It’s safe to say that the more the Turkish society raises the demand for recognition of the genocide, the more the government will be under pressure.
“ArmenPress”: Mr. Akcam, we have heard that you are publishing a new book devoted to the Armenians. What are your upcoming plans?
T. A.: I have different projects that I’m working on. I’m getting ready to release a new book on the trial of Trabizon Yozghat that was held in February-May 1919. In addition, the English version of my book “Spirit of Rules” will be published in May 2015.
Interview by Arax Kasyan