Hranush Hakobyan: “Everything is beautiful in proportions”

We Armenian women are perhaps the world’s happiest women since we have an entire month devoted to us. Today, the interview in АрмянкаՀայուհի magazine is with RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan, who was the one who came up with the unique idea of declaring a month devoted to women. On behalf of all women readers and all women of Armenia, we express our gratitude to Mrs. Hakobyan for such a beautiful month. We also congratulate the Armenian “made from iron” on her birthday and wish her more success, brilliant ideas and good health.

АрмянкаՀայուհի : Mrs. Hakobyan, 20 years have passed since the day that April 7th was recognized as an official holiday in the Republic of Armenia. Could you tell us about those days?

Hranush Hakobyan: When the activists of the democratic movement won and came to power in early 1990, one of the first plans was to revise the state holidays of the Republic of Armenia, and March 8th was set aside as a “remainder of Socialism”, but that wasn’t definite. Armenian women continued to demand the return of that holiday, and this led to the emergence of the need to address the issue. From 1990 to 1995, there were only 4 Armenian women deputies in parliament, and I was the one who took the initiative. It took a long time for me to convince the parliamentarians (since they were men) to reinstate March 8th, but they were stubborn. So, I thought of making a proposal. After long discussions, we decided to set April 7th as the Day of Tiding of the Holy Virgin, which contained the great symbol of motherhood, but in order for it to become the day of beautiful Armenian ladies who still aren’t mothers, we decided to call it Motherhood and Beauty Day.

АрмянкаՀայուհի: As far as I remember, the draft was approved thanks to your “feminine subtlety”…

H. H.: I wouldn’t call it subtlety, but finesse. When the law was going to be put up for a vote (in those years, parliamentary sessions were broadcast on television), I asked the cameraman to show the board on the screen so that viewers would see how each deputy was voting. Afterwards, during a live broadcast, I addressed the women deputies and urged them “not to let their men home”, if they voted “against” the law. Of course, everyone laughed and caused a ruckus, but the law was passed by the majority. When I was asked about the symbol of April 7th during a press conference following the session, I told the journalists that since March 8th is an international holiday and nobody can do away with it, we will start celebrating women’s day on March 8th and end the month-long celebration on April 7th. This is how the idea of the month-long celebration was born. Today, I am happy that the law was passed 20 years ago and I thank the deputies. After all, 95 percent of the voters were men. I thank them for their approval, patience and consent. The month-long event became a part of the society, and men give moments of pleasure to their wives with their attention and congratulatory remarks.

АрмянкаՀայուհի: Mrs. Hakobyan, you love humor. Did you inherit that from your parents? What do you think you have inherited from them in general?

H. H.: I am one of the world’s luckiest people to have been born to the family of Hrant Hakobyan. My parents were divine for me and always will be. My father is no longer with us, but I always remember his discipline and words of advice. Every time I do something, I ask myself what my father would think, what he would do and what advice would he give me. I am very thankful to my parents for being able to raise, educate and discipline me and my siblings to become more or less full-grown people. We were raised to shape individuals and Armenians, and we took the right path.

Of course, my father performed long tasks, and my mother did her daily chores. From my father I inherited his brilliant memory, diligence, great responsibility for his job, kindness and, of course, love for and respect toward the state. From my mother I inherited the ability to be of principle, finish what I start and many attributes of Armenian women. My parents taught me and my siblings to be honest, objective, devoted and do anything with love and a feeling of responsibility. They also taught us to be goal-oriented, never complain, not to worry others, find solutions and take responsibility when discussing every issue and not seek reasons. My father believed that he who isn’t content with what he has achieved and aspires for more will win, but for that he has to learn, become educated and update knowledge and make more achievements.

АрмянкаՀայուհի: Mrs. Hakobyan, what is your formula for success?

H. H.: The guarantee for my success is my discipline, School N 1 in Gavar where I studied and gained knowledge, Yerevan State University, the youth organization that I was a member of, all intelligent people whom I was lucky to meet and learn from, including the rectors of Yerevan State University, academician Sergey Hambardzumyan, leaders of the once Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia, members of the presidency of the Supreme Council, government officials and presidents…

АрмянкаՀայուհի: Throughout the years, you have held different offices and have carried out several important programs. Which ones do you take pride in? Which do you think were your most successful decisions?

H. H.: I have made important decisions during my whole life. For instance, one of those decisions was the creation of a small academy, that is, university-school and school-university relations. One of the important decisions that I made during my years of study was the decision to start a campaign to save bread since people would throw bread in the garbage can the day after buying it. I consider the creation of the Search (“Voronum”) Program during the days of the earthquake as the most helpful and appreciable decision at a tragic moment. Through this program, several children found their parents, relatives found each other, construction firms teamed up in the disaster zone, people donated blood, construction facilities of the NKR were declared Youth Communist structures, the Youth Communist Union of the NKR turned into a part of the Youth Communist Union of Armenia, several important laws were introduced in parliament, homes were privatized, mothers were granted privileges, laws were drafted and adopted. Today, as Minister of Diaspora, I continue to make decisions that are related to cultural, educational, organizational and community issues, as well as the mechanisms for reciprocal activities.

АрмянкаՀայուհի: What inspires you and helps you be so energetic?

H. H.: Work and the results of that work, the relations with my colleagues, the friendly attitude of representatives of Diaspora Armenian organizations and pro-national activities.

 АрмянкаՀայուհի: Every generation is different from the one before it. How would you describe Armenian youth today?

H. H.: I believe youth are always more progressive and more literate than the previous generation. Today, there are people who only try to see the negative sides of youth. The Youth Communist Union helped shape the youth and helped them carry out their activities, and I am very proud to have been a member of that Union. Among the members of the Union were youth who had the courage to start the Karabakh movement. They were youth who had experience as members of the Union and were able to win the war, ensuring and laying the foundations for our independent statehood.

Today, the youth in Armenia are liberal and unrestraint. Armenia has brilliant young people who are competitive in any part of the world with their knowledge and ideas. You know, I am also happy that the majority of students at universities (nearly 60%) are ladies and women. Women and mothers educate society, and so the more educated and the more literate a woman is, the more educated the society will be. We have to provide space for the youth and inspire them to have the chance to express themselves because youth are our present and future.

АрмянкаՀայուհի : Mrs. Hakobyan, are you liberal or conservative?

H. H.: It depends. I am conservative when it comes to the nation, domestic affairs and human relations. I don’t think families should be liberal. Family is the greatest value of the Armenian nation. Therefore, the Armenian family must be conservative and conventional and preserve the customs and traditions spanning centuries. The man of the house must be the leader, and the woman must have her role. The elders must be respected and in the center of attention, and children must always cherish their parents and show tenderness. We can be liberal with our ideas, but we have to be conservative when it comes to family. I am not against being modern, but we shouldn’t confuse that with vulgarity and lack of discipline. I believe the approach “everything is beautiful in proportions” should be applied in all spheres of life. Armenian women should be moderate. Modesty is the greatest attribute of a woman.

 –АрмянкаՀայուհի: You leave the impression of a strong and strict woman, and many people call you an Armenian woman “made from iron”. Do you love dreaming?

H. H.: I know that many people share that opinion of me. In reality, I am very dreamy and romantic. I am simply able to cover all that with a veil. When it comes to my family and relatives, I become very vulnerable. I am sincere, compassionate, share a person’s pain and help others. People who are indifferent, emotionless and uncompassionate are unacceptable. Every human being must be capable of extending a helping hand to another.

As for dreams, like everyone, I have had dreams in every stage of my life. When I was studying in school, I would dream of having a gold medal. When I received it, I dreamt of studying at the university, and that also turned into a reality. Later, I aspired to become a professor, and that turned into a reality as well. I have always been able to do anything that depends on me. Today, I have more general dreams related to our Homeland and all Armenians. I want world peace since there are Armenians in all parts of the world.

My second dream is to live in a strong and developed Armenia where there won’t be poor people or unemployment. To have that kind of an Armenia, all Armenians, regardless of where we are, must make their contributions to this highly important patriotic act. Every one of us has to do a good job, act quickly and make decisions at a rapid pace. Armenia is the homeland of all Armenians, and we have to build it together. Every Armenian must lay the brick on the wall. I am infinitely grateful to our compatriots abroad. They invest their knowledge, take advantage of their opportunities, contacts and means to contribute to Armenia’s advancement. When I have free time, I read. I love reading. Sometimes when I am tired, I recite. I have been doing that since childhood.

АрмянкаՀայուհի: Mrs. Hakobyan, in the end, I would like to ask you our traditional question-What is your wish for Armenian women?

H. H.: First, I wish them peace. Secondly, I would like them to have as many happy days and moments as possible. I wish Armenian women never shed tears of sadness, but happiness and pride. May their children have a brilliant future and may everyone’s dreams come true. I wish them health. If the mother of a family is healthy, the entire family is happy. The society and all Armenians are also happy.

АрмянкаՀայուհի: Thank you.

Interview by Armine Asatryan 

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