Switzerland’s Federal Department of Justice has confirmed that the issue of appealing the ECHR verdict against Perincek is being discussed

The Swiss government is discussing the issue of appealing the verdict of the European Court of Human Rights against Turk nationalist Dogu Perincek and will announce its decision with an official press release. This is what representative of the Communications Division of the Swiss Federal Department of Justice and Police Folko Gali said in an interview with “ArmenPress”. “We’re still discussing the issue of whether there should be a demand to send the case to the Higher Chamber or not. We’ll let the presses know about our decision,” said Folko Gali.

Switzerland can file a lawsuit against the Higher Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights with the demand to review the December 17 verdict before March 15th. On December 17, 2013, the European Court of Human Rights upheld the claim filed by Dogu Perincek whom the Swiss court has recognized as guilty for denying the Armenian Genocide. The European Court of Human Rights justified this with the fact that the Swiss court has violated Articles 7 and 10 of the European Convention on Freedom of Speech, but there were many discrepancies and it wasn’t accepted unanimously since two of the judges, Nebozhsa Vuchinich (Chernogorya) and Paolo Pintod Albukerke (Portugal) were against it.

In March 2007, the Lausanne Police Court sentenced leader of the Labor Party Dogu Perincek for obscenely calling the Armenian Genocide “an international lie” and fined him under the charge of racial discrimination. Switzerland’s Court of Appeals confirmed the verdict and ruled that Perincek had violated Article 216 of the Criminal Code.


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